In this modern love story, Mariah, a young woman enamored with the Earth, meets Max, a widowed wind scientist. As the seasons unfold, Max deals with grief asMariah continues to cope with losses of her own. When Howard, representing a public relations firm for the fossil fuel industry, harasses Max and his fellow climate scientist Buck, Max leaves town. COVID strikes shortly after Max returns. Mariah and Max grapple with new love during the pandemic. Then Howard returns, bringing COVID along. An unexpected pregnancy, an inheritance, and a near-death climate experience lead the characters into a space of hope for the future.
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Book Trailer on YouTube: An enjoyable, page-turning story, which takes on current issues including climate change and the pandemic. Using creative imagination and factual detail, Flinchbaugh takes her characters through loss and grief, conflict and danger, restored faith and loving relationships. Mary Jane Salyers, Author, Appalachian Daughter In Friendly, OH, a young woman with a troubled past finds purpose and love; a man who’s suffered a devastating loss learns to love again; a bad guy changes sides; a small town conquers COVID; and climate change warriors gain ground. Author Nancy Flinchbaugh writes with graceful prose and a hopeful heart.” Diane Chiddister, Author, One More Day
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