A fresh story of mystery. Starts with an 8-year-old boy, a victim of his father’s suicide, finds himself on the streets of San Francisco, fending for himself. A crisp story with characters that jump out at you, including the ghosts. Ghosts and the Mafia, obstacles for our protagonist to get over or through. Romance from a beautiful blonde, who was only responding to an ad for employment. Had no idea what she was getting into, in the city by the Bay, 1980. A multimillion-dollar corporation was built for his family, but greed was waiting at the door. So many twists it keeps you totally engaged at every turn. The Unravelling; a winner.
The Unraveling by JP Franklinn
Product details
- Publisher : Writers Republic LLC (December 11, 2022)
- Publication date : December 11, 2022
- Language : English
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