Weight goes up, weight goes down, weight goes up….. and can stay up….. This book shows a brain based approach that really works, and has people putting yo yo dieting behind them forever. Yes, what we eat, and how active we are is important, and it can be difficult to get everything right in this fast paced society we all live in. But, if we get our brain right, our body will follow, and a brain based change in nature can make difficult things, easy. The 2 Keys To Permanent Weight Loss strikes a clear path through today’s jungle of fast food, diet and fitness offerings, and obesities health, image, and mobility issues. Available at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com//Keys-Permanent-Weight-Loss-Overweight-ebook/dp/B0BFMCC943
The 2 Keys To Permanent Weight Loss: How to Change Your Overweight Nature Into a Permanent Weight Loss Nature by Ken Flett
Product details
- Publisher : Ken Flett (September 16, 2022)
- Publication date : September 16, 2022
- Language : English
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