Once consigned almost exclusively to Saturday morning fare for young viewers, television animation has evolved over the last several decades as a programming form to be reckoned with. While many animated shows continue to entertain tots, the form also reaches a much wider audience, engaging viewers of all ages. Whether aimed at toddlers, teens, or adults, animated shows reflect an evolving expression of sophisticated wit, adult humor, and a variety of artistic techniques and styles. The Encyclopedia of American Animated Television Series encompasses animated programs broadcast in the United States and Canada since 1948. From early cartoon series like Crusader Rabbit, Rocky and His Friends, and The Flintstones to 21st century stalwarts like The Simpsons, South Park, and Spongebob Squarepants, the wide range of shows can be found in this volume. Series from many networks—such as Comedy Central, the Disney Channel, Nickleodeon, and Cartoon Network— are included, representing both the diversity of programming and the broad spectrum of viewership. Each entry includes a list of cast and characters, credit information, a brief synopsis of the series, and a critical analysis. Additional details include network information and broadcast history. The volume also features one hundred images and an introduction containing an historical overview of animated programming since the inception of television. Highlighting an extensive array of shows from Animaniacs and Archer to The X-Men and Yogi Bear, The Encyclopedia of American Animated Television Series is an essential resource for anyone interested in the history and evolution of this constantly expanding art form.
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Animation and animated television shows are so ingrained in modern life that we rarely consider just how new animation is as an art form, nor how prevalent these shows are on television. There is a plethora of animated shows, from cartoons aimed at young children to those created specifically for adults, and to create a reference work on them is an overwhelming endeavor. However, in The Encyclopedia of American Animated Television Shows, David Perlmutter has set boundaries for himself, and thus produced an excellent reference work. . . . This encyclopedia is easy to read and understand and contains quite a variety of animated television shows. . . It is an excellent resource for those studying animation, television, or perhaps even the rise of the media influence on modern society.—Mary Rebecca Yantis ― American Reference Books Annual
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