Joseph Jeremiah Danielson grew up in a typical Christian household; at an early age, he exhibited a knack for spotting phony Television preachers. Finally, as a grown man, an Angel appears to Joseph in a dream and tells him that God has called him to be a voice for the Lord. He will set straight the corruption in Christianity. Joesph Jeremiah exposes Televangelists for the crooks they are. He confronts them, and some die violently in these confrontations, as Angels appear and battle on Joseph Jeremiah’s behalf. These Televangelists are afraid as The Lord wrought signs, wonders, and miracles by Joseph’s hands that hadn’t been seen since Jesus and his Apostles walked the earth. These Crooked Televangelists are dying, and they plan to stop Joseph Jeremiah by taking matters into their own hands. What a mistake that was. This book is fast pasted and furious in its approach. It is a violent, gritty, visceral, foul-mouthed tale that will have you in shock whether you believe in God or not. THE PROPHET, The Extraordinary Life of Joseph Jeremiah Danielson, is not a tale for the faint of heart.
THE PROPHET The Extraordinary Life of Joseph Jeremiah Danielson. The Expanded Storyline Edition by Stan The Man Griffin
Product details
- Publisher : STM Entertainment Publishing; First edition (December 5, 2020)
- Language : English, Tamil
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